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Disposable calpel

2.00 CHF

Auf Lager - in 1-2 Tagen bei dir

Size1 piece


Sterile disposable calpel, individually packed

Perfect for the precise cutting of cuttings

When cutting cuttings, it is advisable to cut the stem of the plant at an angle so that you have a sufficiently large area where the plant can develop new roots. To promote the root formation, we recommend a rooting gel, e.g. the rooting gel from Cutting Edge
Breathe the cutting point of the cutting with the rooting gel and put directly into the substrate. Then keep the leaves of the cuttings moist and do not let the substrate dry out. New roots have formed after a few days. Only pot into a larger pot when the substrate is well rooted.

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Disposable calpel

2.00 CHF

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